Senin, 22 Maret 2010


kali ini curhat pk translate lagu..

Each word you casually exchange with me
Is such a precious treasure to me
But I myself feel a bit embarrassed about this
So if you knew, you would surely laugh at me

I want to see you, I want to see you
I want to hear your voice at least
And I sometimes call you with no special reason

My heart becomes so warm
Just because you are around me
I have only one wish
Can I stay loving you forever
Just like this?

I've known for a long time that you have someone precious
Because it's clear from your smile

Though it's true I spend some nights
Feeling so sad, so sad
And feeling a tightening in my chest

If I just think of you
My heart has the meaning to live
I expect nothing special from you
Can I stay loving you forever
Just like this?

My heart becomes so warm
Just because you are around me
I have only one wish
Please let me keep on loving you

kali ini translate lagunya ayumi yg ini bikin nangis,krn sesuai dgn perasaanku saat ini.. apalagi kata2 "I've known for a long time that you have someone precious..Because it's clear from your smile" sama "Can I stay loving you forever just like this?" sampe speachless krn bnr2 menggambarkan perasaan bgt..

ayumi hamasaki emg hebat ^^b

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