Senin, 18 Januari 2010

LIMIT -ayumi hamasaki lyric but with edit by me

lirik lagu ini ky menggambarkan perasaanku skrg,biar lbh sesuai keadaannya,aku edit dikit (maaf bgt ayumi-sama ^^):

A lonely boy who has no hope for the reality of life.
Stay and hurt each other with a boy, in limited time, who has got his eyes staring at his dream.

The bright smile of him make it feel good to his closed heart, which has been left in somewhere.
His tears slid down his cheek.
His hands are always warm, with his kindness but without decoration: full of feeling with truth.
Someday two of them fall in love and stay together and hurt each other in the limited time.

He couldn’t make sure about their love because if he says something loudly, nothing will appear, even the smell...
He says that he, definitely, comes to see him.
Even if he realized that it is a white lie, he kept waiting forever, only knowing to believe him.
Trying not to realize his sadness in the wind,he dreams about limit love, reading a book, in the non-limited time.

yah,walaupun aku tau mgkn semua yg dy katakan itu cuma white lie,tp aku akan selalu menunggunya dan percaya padanya..

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